little things

A smile from a stranger…
A conversation while waiting in that queue….
A morning greeting or just any greeting from anyone….
A high five from a collegue…
Someone gives u a gap on that busy traffic…
An opportunity to give…
An opportunity to share…
To tell someone you love them, to apologise, to show gratitude…
A hug….
A roof over your head, A meal…
Family, friends, neighbours, collegues, just people…
The little things we don’t really take note of or stop to appreciate, when summed together make uplife.
How often do we stop to appreciate the glory of God manifested in these little things…
How often do we stop to appreciate life, each breath we take…
Do we ever stop to think how many people will not get the priviledge of that next breath. Or that next bite.
Or to just ask, why me? Why do I get to live? Why I get the previledge of the next bite? A roof over my head?
Millions will never experience the beauty of family, freedom of worship, friendship, courtship…

Why me and am I doing the best with what I have… Am I serving my purpose or am I wasting this precious body, this precious time, this precious Spirit….

Food for thought. Spread the Love

Tell the Youth

Tell the youth that whatever they heard about alcohol, sex and drugs is not entirely true. What am I talking about? How can I say that?

Loss, pregnancy, failure, sickness, death… These aren’t the worst of results of substance abuse. They are save for untimely death, they are probably the best things to happen to a substance abuser because when calamity strikes they stop and reflect for once.

Three things happen from the decision to abuse/use substance/ alcohol or engage in premarital sex.

  1. You learn to lie to yourself
  2. You learn to believe your own lies
  3. You learn to accept mediocrity, lower your standards, loose your values

I say learn because it is a continuous process, one that you never master and move on. Its a hamster wheel. I say these are the worst because you don’t notice them, when you do  they are easy to ignore. Gradually, like the frog in the pot you never realise you are being cooked until its too late.

There is nothing like maximum standards. Standards are minimum acceptable conditions they can’t be lowered. When they are lowered they seize to be standards. Everyone has their own standards based on their potential. When you are an ‘A’ student ‘B’s become acceptable. A B for an A is failure, as long as it is below your potential, your standards consider it failure. When you don’t thrive to be the best you can be, you are failing yourself each day. No matter how much you justify it by looking at your peers (comparing yourself with people with different standards), your will back one day and regret the lies you told yourself.

The first decision to indulge is the worst, as it starts you on a journey. Goals and dreams become fantasies. The fantasies turn to birds and fly away. Soon you don’t remember what you wanted. Then you forget who you are. A man with no identity has nothing to stand for. Your mind slips into a timeless world. While everyone is working on their future, fighting for their values, while everyone is growing you are swimming in your high. Lost in the ocean with no sight of the shore. Drowning in your sleep.

Death is not the worst, its just the end of the flesh. Being lost is.

Some will justify it as a mistake. Peer pressure. But no one prepares you for this journey. No one tells you what to expect. Just don’t do it you are told. Its bad for you! Everyone tells of what to expect at the end but never in the beginning, that is why so many of our youths fall into this temptation and potential is lost.

Expect to feel good, but its only for a while. Expect a rollercoaster. Every up is followed by a terrible down. Is it worth it? no. Expect to be lost. Confused. Expect to justify everything. Expect to justify failure. Expect to start lying. Expect to be secretive. Expect to be lonely, even with people around you. Expect to loose your identity. Expect to wish so much and do nothing about your wishes.

Whatever circumstances around your expect them to stay the same. If you come from a broken home, you will still be in a broken home, high or sober. If you lost a loved one, being high won’t bring them back. These are harsh realities people use as an excuse to indulge, truth is they come alive even more when you get high. The emptiness never leaves you.

The rollercoaster stops one day, most of the time its stopped by the tragedies of life. And you look back, regret strikes. The voices in your head become louder. Loudest when you want to stop. A battle begins.

My challenge to the youth today is simple. Define yourself. Ask yourself who am I? What is it that you stand for? How do your characterise yourself? How do you want to be perceived? That person in your mind right now. That man, that woman you want to become, stand up for them! speak up for your values. Let your yes be a yes and your no be a no! If you don’t like it, if its against your values, speak up!

Tell the world who you are and don’t be intimidated. The enemy works on intimidation, if you cant stand up for what’s outside of you, what is inside will break you. Winning is a habit, practise winning everyday.

  1. Prophesy to yourself
  2. Have Faith
  3. Set your standards and stand up for what you believe
  4. Be a person of integrity.
  5. Never entertain evil in whatever form

These habits will keep your winning. Keep you strong.

For everything there is a season and a time. Enjoy your youth while you still have it. Be Young while you still can. Find yourself while you have the time. See a man that excels in his work, he will stand before Kings and not ordinary man. Desire to stand before Kings. Pursue excellence in everything you do.

This is the advice I wish I received. Words from a brother. Guidance from a father I never had.








The battle



We are at battle in a war that has already been won for us, sadly we are suffering casualties. Jesus has won the war on our behalf, but the devil is going all out in his deceptive nature to take us to battle.

In between our ears the battle is born,fought with our spirits in our flesh and lost in the soul. Home ground. The victory in Jesus plus home advantage against the last kicks of a dying horse. What then is bringing the church down? How come some of our brothers & sisters seem to be losing this battle?

Our hormones, and human nature we think we can do it ourselves. We plan, strategise and seek glory. That choice to do it ourselves, is when the battle is lost. In our pride!

The Glory is not ours but God’s. He is saying come to me. Shelter in me, take refuge in me and I will win the battle for you. He is saying give me the Glory i will give you the Victory. Deciding to be righteous to seek our own glory is separating ourselves from God. But without him we are nothing.

A simple thing as giving Him praise, trusting in him. He says just believe. To seek his Kingdom is all we have to do. How much more do we want?

The devil through the various cults and religions demands sacrifices, conformity to rules, he just keeps taking from his followers. Yet we have this MAGNIFICENT GOD, that says worship me, believe in me and i will give you everything. He says cast your burdens unto me. What can be difficult about that?

I say if a man has pride, a reputation to protect then let it be pride in God! Put yourself out there, let the world know you are His and then protect that! Don’t fall back! There are no breaks, the enemy keeps coming.

 This is a different kind of battle, If you mastered the art of war, well you got the wrong plan! Only one winning plan, His Word. This is a different kind of enemy, anywhere outside Jesus is his terraine. And he doesn’t lose in his playground!

When will we wake up? When will we take our stand as children of God? When will we place him first before our methods, before our egos, above everything else.


“For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and yet loose his own soul.”

There is a soul game on marketplace(or used to be) it was a trial game when I tried it. In this game, no skills are needed. Everything is determined by the choices you make. First thing you rank yourself, your strengths and weaknesses. Then the game begins, “Only your soul can change your reality.” Since I’m not a physical person, given my weight and past illnesses my weakness was my body.

First thing i’m tempted to sleep with my boss (devil) for a favor,  because my strength is my brain I decline. Then I get involved in an accident now I’m bed ridden, devils visits me again and makes an offer. It goes on and on, but in the end I die. I found out no matter how I played, I ended up dead. “Some favors are worth more than your soul,” it says.

Morale of it is where the devil is involved there’s no way out. You loose your soul and then you die. When you play into his hand you end up dead, but you choose to suffer( keeping your soul) and die or sell your soul and die.

But what exactly is a soul? What is its purpose?                                                     The Spiritual rational part of man, a vehicle of individual existence. It is the essence of life, if not life itself. The immortal part of our beings.

To me the game reveled how the devil operates. Knowing what I know, The devil is a lair and a master of illusions, I deleted the stupid game.

But something still bothers me, the value of this soul! The devil goes out of his way to collect these souls, God gave His Son for these souls. And what are we doing about it? What value do we place on our own souls? In our daily living, the choices we make? Can it grow? If so how?

I don’t understand why society takes this most important part of their beings for granted. When a person dies, we say their soul has left their body.But what do we do throughout our lives to preserve these souls?

Honestly if we see the evidence of the existence of the devil (given all the evil around), do we need to doubt the presence of God? Isn’t the mere functionality of human beings, the sun, moon, stars, the vast oceans, mountains, trees, fish and animals evidence enough?

What is it about man that he is so stubborn? That we are so blind to essence of our existence?  What is it about man?


My every breath

” Enoch walked with God for , and then he disappeared because God took him away.” (Genesis 5:24)

A man that did not face death, so little is written about him. A descendant of Adam, an ancestor to Noah. So little is written of this man, but this one line is everything. ‘Enoch walked with God.’

I look at the church now, children of God. We seek God, we “go” to God, whatever that means. But this man walked with God.

To me that sums up Christianity!

This man lived for 300 years, for 300 years He walked with God.  300 years, only 4 verses about him. To me the most powerful verses in Genesis.

But what does it mean to walk with God? When you are on a journey with someone, just the two of you that someone is all you have. All that you depend on. You chat, you laugh, throughout the journey this person is everything.

On that journey a stranger becomes a friend and then a brother. A relationship is developed. It is cemented by this journey.

In his journey of life, Enoch walked with God. Can you imagine holding hands and laughing with God. Going fishing or cycling with God. Imagine all the things you want to do with your children, now imagine all the things you wished you could do with your father or mother. Walking life with your parents, first day at school, that sport tournament, or that play you took part in. Imagine your parents telling you they are proud of you, your father giving you a high five, your mother giving you a hug and buying you ice cream even though you came last in that race. Sharing those moments in this walk of life, what an amazing feeling.

Enoch shared these moments with God! God was his Father and Friend! God was his everything, so much God took him to heaven in flesh! I bet he seats on a table with God, How righteous!

Believing God is not just kneeling when you are in need. It is making God the center of you life. It is making God Your Friend. It is staying constantly in prayer. He is always there, right within and without us. If only we could just listen to him. If we could give him a chance to talk. If only we could understand He is the only companion we need in this journey!

If only we could walk with God!


“Seek ye the Kingdom of God and everything else will be added unto You.”

The world has changed, the message is changing. But the questions remain.
What really are we called to do? What does it take to be saved? What is our priority in this journey?
Nowadays the message is “give it will be given back unto you…”, God did not mean for us to be poor, He meant for us to live in abundance..,
Is this really the priority or are we lost in our desires?
“seek ye the Kingdom of God first..” what does this really mean?
Should we forget our lives and loose ourselves in His word. Forget everything else and let Jesus be the center of it all? Are we called to forget our lives, families, careers e.t.c and delve into His Kingdom with no other expectation except to be raised with Jesus? He already knows us, our lives, desires and will restore all that we loose in His name. Shouldn’t that me the message then?

Paul, in all his letters gives instruction of how the church should be, how we should conduct ourselves as children of God. He praises the churches for their generosity, giving to the needy brothers. Yes the Levites were not allotted any lands and they fed from the offering. We are commanded to give. For our sakes and for the church. But when we emphasise the return we get from our giving our we following God’s command or investing?

Who is more faithful, the one forgets everything.Seeks the Kingdom of God because He is God. Or the one that gives everything because he believes God will give it back, a good measure pressed down, shaken together? Who of these two pleases God?

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